Health Standards
The Three Rivers School District is proud to partner with families to develop healthy students. A variety of topics are included in the newest health standards. Students will build skills for health and wellness through age appropriate lessons at each grade level. Families are expected and encouraged to share their values with their children as they relate to health education topics. Families that prefer to teach some of these topics at home will have the opportunity to opt out of some health lessons. Information on our new standards, curriculum, process, and who to contact with questions is outlined below. Thank you for working with us to support your child's learning.
Adopted Curriculum & Supplemental Resources
The following comprehensive health curriculum materials for K-5 were adopted by the Three Rivers School District Board on February 16, 2022 during regular session:
Elementary Curriculum:
Great Body Shop (GBS) adopted as primary resource.
Some lessons from Fight Child Abuse and Advocates for Youth will be used in various grades as an additional resource.
The following books will be used as a supplemental resource, read aloud to the class as part of a health lesson.
Kindergarten - Families, and Neither
1st Grade - Except When They Don't, and The Great Big Book of Families
2nd Grade - A Family is a Family is a Family, and I Love My Purse
3rd Grade - What Makes a Baby, Jack (not Jackie), and Let's Talk About Body Boundaries, Consent & Respect
The following comprehensive health curriculum materials for 6-8 were adopted by the Three Rivers School District Board on June 14, 2023 during regular session:
Middle School Curriculum:
Great Body Shop (GBS) adopted as primary resource.
During the school year, there are several lessons from the Epic program taught by staff from the Pregnancy Care Center of Grants Pass.
During the school year, Josephine County Juvenile Justice will provide materials for health teachers to use on the dangers of vaping.
High School Curriculum:
Goodheart-Willcox Comprehensive Health was adopted June 2024 as the primary resource.
During the school year, there are several lessons taught by staff from the Pregnancy Care Center of Grants Pass.
State of Oregon Health Standards
Aligned to national standards, Oregon’s health standards and benchmarks support health, wellbeing, and safety of students. The Human Sexuality Education law (2009); the Healthy Teen Relationship Act (2013); and most recently, SB 856 Child Sexual Abuse prevention (2015) collectively contribute to the Oregon Department of Education’s (ODE) Human Sexuality OAR and sexual health benchmarks and standards. Click here to access a copy of the Oregon Health Standards for K-12. Comprehensive Oregon Health Standards.
Teacher Guidelines for Handling Sensitive Topics
For sensitive topics, teachers should only address clarifications to the curriculum, not subject matter that extends beyond lesson plans. Questions should be addressed in age-appropriate, medically accurate ways, aligned with the adopted curriculum. Some questions will be referred to counselors or addressed privately, such as when a student discloses information that creates a safety concern.
Opt Out Process
When lessons address standards that are covered by the Oregon Human Sexuality Law, parents are given prior notice, an opportunity to preview lessons, and an option to opt-out of the lessons. For grades K-5, the student would be opted out for all the lessons in that entire Quarter. For grades 6-8, parents have the option of opting out of the content for the entire week. For high school, parents may select the individual lesson to opt out of the content.
How can families view the material for Opt-out content grades K-12?
Lessons can be viewed in person at the student's school office during business hours. If you need an accommodation for different hours, please contact the school office.
Lessons can be viewed in person at the Three Rivers School District Office at 8550 New Hope Road, Grants Pass, Oregon during Monday-Thursday from 8:00-3:00pm and on Friday by appointment.
Student content (not lessons) only from The Great Body Shop K-8 can be viewed online with a parent access code. Please call the District Office at 541-862-3111 x5207 for more information about the access code. (School offices do not have the parent access code, please call the District Office).
Opt-out Resources
Three Rivers School District Health lessons associated with opt-out
(Opt-out applies to an entire Quarter)
Quarter 2
Unit 4
Lesson 1: What is a Family
Lesson 2: See How Families Grow and Change
Supplemental Health Teacher Read Aloud Book: Families by Shelley Rotner & Shelia M. Kelly, 2015
Portfolio 3: Using Peaceful Methods to Resolve Conflicts
Erin's Law Lesson Videos:
Lesson 1 - 6
Quarter 3
Unit 5
Lesson 1: All Bodies are Different
Supplemental Health Teacher Read Aloud Book: Neither by Airlie Anderson, 2018
Replacement Lesson: Advocates for Youth Lesson: "Understanding our Bodies - The Basic"
Lesson 2: I am Special
Homework Connection: I'm Special Name Tags
1st Grade
(Opt-out applies to an entire Quarter)
Quarter 2
Erin's Law Lesson Videos:
Lesson 1 - 6
Unit 5
Lesson 4: Tell How You Feel
Supplemental Health Teacher Read Aloud Book: The Great Big Book of Families, by Mary Hoffman, 2010
Quarter 3
Unit 6
Lesson 4: My Body Is Private
Replacement Lesson - Advocates for Youth: "Understanding Our Bodies"
Unit 2
Lesson 4: My Body is Extra Special
Supplemental Health Teacher Read Aloud Book: Except When They Don't, by Laura Gehl, 2019
Replacement Lesson - Advocates for Youth: "Gender Roles, Gender Expectations"
Quarter 4
Unit 7
Activity 14: Identifying Trusted Adults
Unit 8
Lesson 2: Germs
Activity 17: Bloodborne Diseases
2nd Grade
(Opt-out applies to an entire Quarter)
Quarter 2
Unit 3
Lesson 1: Eat a Plate
Lesson 2: Nutrients for Your Body
Lesson 4: The Importance of a Healthful Breakfast!
Portfolio 1 (found after Lesson 1): Identifying My Favorite Things
Unit 5
Lesson 4: Your Body is Private! (NOT the optional section)
Portfolio 4 (found after Lesson 4): Who Are My Superstars?
Quarter 3
Unit 5
Lesson 3: Recognizing Real Dangers-When It's Smart to be Afraid
Replacement Lesson - Advocates for Youth: "Understanding Our Bodies"
Unit 6
Lesson 2: Families
Supplemental Health Teacher Read Aloud Book: A Family is a Family is a Family, by Sara O'Leary, 2016
Quarter 4
Unit 6
Lesson 4: I am Special
Supplemental Health Teacher Read Aloud Book: I Love My Purse, by Belle DeMont, 2017
Unit 8
Lesson 1: Germs: What They Are and What They Do
Portfolio 1 (found after Lesson 1): Risky Situations
Activity 13: Bloodborne Diseases
3rd Grade
(Opt-out applies to an entire Quarter)
Quarter 2
Unit 5
Lesson 2: How Attitudes Affect Your Actions
Activity 6: Positive and Negative Peer Pressure
Lesson 3: Improving Your Attitude
Activity 24: Good Friends
Unit 6
Replacement Lesson: "Consent for Kids" Video
Supplemental Health Teacher Read Aloud Book: Let's Talk About Body Boundaries, Consent & Respect, by Jayneen Sanders, 2018
Lesson 4: Personal Safety (NOT Optional Section)
Quarter 3
Unit 6
Activity 11: Hormones and Reproductive Organs
Supplemental Health Teacher Read Aloud Book: What Makes a Baby, by Cory Silverberg, 2012
Activity 15: Identity
Portfolio 3 (found after Lesson 3): Picturing Tolerance (NOT using the Optional Extension)
Supplemental Health Teacher Read Aloud Book: Jack (Not Jackie), by Erica Silverman, 2018
Quarter 4
Unit 8
Lesson 1: Being Sick
Lesson 2: Fighting Diseases
Lesson 3: Keeping Clean and Healthy
4th Grade
(Opt-out applies to an entire Quarter)
Quarter 2
Unit 5
Lesson 2: Critical Thinking to the Rescue
Lesson 3: In Tune with Your Emotions
Unit 6
Activity 11: A True Friend
Replacement Lesson - Advocates for Youth: " Figuring Out Friendships"
Unit 5
Lesson 4: Preventing Abuse
Quarter 3
Unit 6
Lesson1: Hormones and Body Changes
Lesson 2: What is Good Hygiene?
Lesson 4: Caring For Your Great Body
Activity 8: Hormones and Reproductive Organs
Activity 12: Identity
Activity 13: Finding Credible Medically-Accurate Resources
Quarter 4
Unit 8
Activity 10: Methods of Germ Transmission
Unit 7
Lesson 1: Drug Free and Asset Strong!
Lesson 4: How and Where to Find Help
5th Grade
(Opt-out applies to an entire Quarter)
Quarter 2
Unit 3
Lesson 1: Beyond the Basics - Nutrition
Unit 5
Lesson 1: Your Emotions and Your Body
Lesson 3: Troubled Times
Lesson 4: Send the Message: My Body is Private (NOT the optional section)
Portfolio 4: Different Types of Abuse
Quarter 3
Unit 6
Lesson 1: Hormones and Your Body
Lesson 2: Puberty: Growing and Changing
Portfolio 2: Sexual Harassment
Activity 4: Hygiene for Males (People with a Penis)
Activity 5: Hygiene for Females (People with Ovaries)
Activity 8: Identity
Activity 7: Talking About Sensitive Issues with a Trusted Adult
Activity 9: Finding Credible Medically-Accurate Resources
Quarter 4
Unit 7
Lesson 1: The Effects of Use, Misuse, and Abuse of Drugs
Lesson 3: Drugs and Advertising (Understanding Influences)
Lesson 4: Choose to Be Drug Free
Unit 8
Lesson 3: HIV, Enemy of the Immune System
6th Grade
(Opt-out applies to an entire week)
Quarter 2
Week 1 = (Alcohol/Drugs)
Day 1 - Unit 7 Lesson 1 "What is Addiction"
Day 2 - Unit 7 Activity 15 "Drugs and Their Impact"
Day 3 - Unit 7 Lesson 2 "The Pressures Around Us"
Day 4 - Vape Information from Josephine County Juvenile Justice
Week 2 = (Sexual Violence and Prevention)
Day 1 - Unit 4 Portfolio 1 "Safety on the Web"
Day 2 - Unit 4 Lesson 4 "Sexual Harassment and Sexual Abuse" (NOT the Optional Section)
Day 3 - Unit 4 Activity 6 "Dare to Say No"
Day 4 - Unit 6 Activity 17 "Talking About Sensitive Issues with a Trusted Adult" (NOT the Optional Section)
Quarter 3
Week 1 = (Cycle of Life)
Day 1 - Unit 6 Lesson 3 "Emotional Maturity"
Day 2 - Unit 4 Portfolio 3 "The Perspective of Others"
Day 3 - Unit 6 Activity 12 "Identity"
Day 4 - Unit 7 Activity 16 "Finding Credible Medically-Accurate Resources"
Week 2 = (Cycle of Life)
Day 1 - Unit 6 Lesson 1 "Growing up Physically"
Day 2 - Unit 6 Lesson 2 "Fertilization to Birth"
Day 3 - Unit 6 Activity 5 "Menstruation - What's it all about?"
Day 4 - Unit 6 Activity 9 "Condom Use"
Week 3 = (Cycle of Life)
Day 1 - Lesson from Epic/Grants Pass Pregnancy Care Center "Boundaries & Consent"
Day 2 - Lesson from Epic/Grants Pass Pregnancy Care Center "Technology, Sexting, & Social Media
Day 3 - Lesson from Epic/Grants Pass Pregnancy Care Center "Dangers of Pornography"
Day 4 - Lesson from Epic/Grants Pass Pregnancy Care Center "Abstinence, STI, STD"
7th Grade
(Opt-out applies to an entire week)
Quarter 2
Week 1 = (Alcohol/Drugs)
Day 1 - Unit 8 Lesson 1 "Effects of Drug Use"
Day 2 - Unit 8 Activity 8 "Case Study"
Day 3 - Unit 8 Activity 9 "Refuse to Use"
Day 4 - VAPE Information from Josephine County Juvenile Justice
Week 2 = (Sexual Violence and Prevention)
Day 1 - Unit 7 Lesson 2 "Understanding Violence"
Day 2 - Unit 7 Lesson 3 "Sexual Violence"
Day 3 - Unit 4 Lesson 3 "Boundaries"
Day 4 - Unit 5 Activity 14 "Support Systems"
Quarter 3
Week 1 = (Cycle of Life)
Day 1 - Unit 5 Activity 10 "Diversity" (NOT the Extension Activity)
Day 2 and 3 - Unit 4 Lesson 4 "Gender Roles, Identity, Expression, and Sexual Orientation"
Day 4 - Unit 4 Activity 9 "Emotional Changes"
Week 2 = (Cycle of Life)
Day 1 - Unit 4 Lesson 1 "Changing Bodies, Changing Minds"
Day 2 and 3 - Unit 4 Lesson 2 "Reproduction, Fertilization, and Birth"
Day 4 - Unit 4 Activity 7 "Condom Use"
Week 3 = (Cycle of Life)
Day 1 - Lesson from Epic/Grants Pass Pregnancy Care Center "Boundaries & Consent"
Day 2 - Lesson from Epic/Grants Pass Pregnancy Care Center "Technology, Sexting, & Social Media
Day 3 - Lesson from Epic/Grants Pass Pregnancy Care Center "Dangers of Pornography"
Day 4 - Lesson from Epic/Grants Pass Pregnancy Care Center "Abstinence, STI, STD"
8th Grade
(Opt-out applies to an entire week)
**Using Grade 7 Materials for the 8th grade lessons**
Quarter 2
Week 1 = (Alcohol/Drugs)
Day 1 - Unit 8 Lesson 1 "Effects of Drug Use"
Day 2 - Unit 8 Activity 8 "Case Study"
Day 3 - Unit 8 Activity 9 "Refuse to Use"
Day 4 - VAPE Information from Josephine County Juvenile Justice
Week 2 = (Sexual Violence and Prevention)
Day 1 - Unit 7 Lesson 2 "Understanding Violence"
Day 2 - Unit 7 Lesson 3 "Sexual Violence"
Day 3 - Unit 4 Lesson 3 "Boundaries"
Day 4 - Unit 5 Activity 14 "Support Systems"
Quarter 3
Week 1 = (Cycle of Life)
Day 1 - Unit 5 Activity 10 "Diversity" (NOT the Extension Activity)
Day 2 and 3 - Unit 4 Lesson 4 "Gender Roles, Identity, Expression, and Sexual Orientation"
Day 4 - Unit 4 Activity 9 "Emotional Changes"
Week 2 = (Cycle of Life)
Day 1 - Unit 4 Lesson 1 "Changing Bodies, Changing Minds"
Day 2 and 3 - Unit 4 Lesson 2 "Reproduction, Fertilization, and Birth"
Day 4 - Unit 4 Activity 7 "Condom Use"
Week 3 = (Cycle of Life)
Day 1 - Lesson from Epic/Grants Pass Pregnancy Care Center "Boundaries & Consent"
Day 2 - Lesson from Epic/Grants Pass Pregnancy Care Center "Technology, Sexting, & Social Media
Day 3 - Lesson from Epic/Grants Pass Pregnancy Care Center "Dangers of Pornography"
Day 4 - Lesson from Epic/Grants Pass Pregnancy Care Center "Abstinence, STI, STD"
Health 1
Click HERE to view the 2024-2025 Health 1 Scope and Sequence
Health 2
Click HERE to view the 2024-2025 Health 2 Scope and Sequence
For questions about state law, policy, standards, and the legislative process relating to the Oregon Health Standards, contact:
The Oregon Department of Education
255 Capitol Street NE
Salem, OR 97310
For questions about the curriculum adoption process and district policy regarding instruction, materials, the communication timeline, or the opt out process, contact:
Jessica Durrant, Director of Federal Programs & K-8 Curriculum and Instruction
Oregon Department of Education Online Resources including Grade Level Standards
CDC National Standards for Health Education:
Erin’s Law: