Federal Programs
TRSD Federal Programs
Title I-A: Improving Academic Achievement of Disadvantaged Students
Title IIA: Professional Development/Highly Qualified Teachers & Staff
Title III: Programs for English Language Learners
Title X: McKinney Vento - support for homeless students
Three Rivers School District is an equal opportunity provider.
Title I-A Improving Basic Program Services
The purpose of the federally funded Title I program is to provide supplemental resources for students that supports them in meeting the same high academic standards expected of all children. Decision-making is centered at the school level with parent involvement as a key component.
Title I distributes funds to schools based on the number of children from low-income families rather than on achievement scores. Title I monies are provided to supplement state and local efforts. These federal funds may not be used in a manner that replaces regular education responsibilities and programs. Title I funds are to be used to create opportunities that extend learning time, and implement accelerated curriculum strategies based on scientifically based research.
For specifics about what programs and assessments your school uses please reach out to the school office. To view building Title IA School Improvement Plans, Parent Involvement Plan, and Teacher/Student/Parent Compact please click the school link below.
Schools receiving Title I-A Services:
Equitable Services
ESEA includes separate provisions governing equitable services for eligible Private, Non-Profit school students, teacher and other educational personnel, and families. The term equitable services refers to the process of providing students, teachers, staff and families eligible Private, Non-Profit Schools fair access to federally funded education programs and services, as appropriate.
If you think your private, non-profit school qualifies for this funding, please contact us jessica.durrant@threerivers.k12.or.us or 541-862-3111 X5276