Talented and Gifted (TAG)

Three Rivers School District TAG Coordinator

Jessica Durrant 541-862-3111 X5276 or email here 

Madelynn Hardy, Special Programs Secretary 541-862-3111 X5252 email here

In the TAG office, our focus is on meeting the student's instructional level and rate of learning every day in the classroom across the curriculum.  Plans are written for Talented and Gifted students to address their needs and modify the instruction they are receiving based on their assessed instructional level and rate of learning. 

At the elementary level, Personal Education Plans (PEPs) are written in the fall and reevaluated over the course of the school year.  At the middle and high school level, Flexibility (FLEX) Plans are written in all the core academic areas. 

Three Rivers School District TAG Plan 2023-2025

Three Rivers School District TAG Plan 2023-2025.docx.pdf

Building TAG Coordinators

TAG Newsletter.pdf

TAG Education Plans


Services provided by the trsd tag office