Paid Leave Oregon
The State of Oregon's Paid Leave Oregon program provides up to twelve weeks of paid leave for the birth or adoption of a child, an employee or family member’s serious illness or injury, or for employees who are or have dependents who are victims of sexual assault, domestic violence, harassment, bias or stalking.
Three Rivers School District's Paid Leave Oregon equivalent program is administered by American Fidelity. They can be reached at 800-662-1113 or you can download their app.
If your leave is foreseeable, you are required to give notice to your employer at least 30 days before starting paid family, medical or safe leave. If you do not give the required notice, your first weekly benefit may be reduced by 25%.
Overview and Eligibility
Oregon Paid Family and Medical Leave (PFML) is an equivalent plan under the state-mandated Paid Leave Oregon program. PFML is administered by American Fidelity. Leave under the PFML program may only be taken in full work day or work week increments.
To file a claim, employees should contact American Fidelity directly. They should not file a claim through the state's Paid Leave Oregon program.
All employees who work in Oregon are eligible as of their date of hire. Employees working and residing out of state are ineligible. Additionally, if an employee has worked for Three Rivers School District for at least 90 days prior to the start of their leave, their job is protected while they're on PFML.
For employees who make a certain amount, PFML does not completely replace their wages, however, employees may use accrued paid leave to “top up” their PFML benefits. Paid leave benefits are completely separate from your TRSD salary. Any payment received from American Fidelity will be deducted from your TRSD paycheck. In some cases your TRSD salary may not be enough to cover all of your payments in such case payroll will deduct it from the next month.